This week myself and six roommates packed up our first apartment on the Via Montecatini between Via Del Corso and the Pantheon. Montecatini was an incredibly spacious apartment with five bedrooms and enough beds for eleven people. We had two full bathrooms, kitchen, living room, dining room, and floor to ceiling windows in each room. We even had a balcony off the front of the building, which you can see in the picture. From the hardwood floors to the incredible excess of room, I loved Montecatini.
Not so much can be said for our current dwelling in on Viale di Trastevere. We are now about seven times as far from where classes are held and six floors higher with a minute elevator. The most aesthetic part about our apartment complex in Trastevere is the hobos that took up housing on the front sidewalk. One of the homeless men actually has a mattress set up full time.
I should not make it seem like an absolute nightmare however. Financially, Trastevere is a great weight lifted off my bank account. In the first 18 days of the trip, my average spending was $68 (U.S.) per day. I think the fact that the groceries in my new neighborhood are half the price of those near the Pantheon is a great step up. Hopefully, I will find more “upsides” to living here – and for once I am optimistic!